14 June 2019

The Corruption Of The Currency System

For several hundred years, people have been using currency in some form as something to trade with. At least that's how it started off. Then at some point people decided that those who have more money should somehow automatically be able to do more than those who don't have so much. So for quite some years now, rather than things like health care and food and places to live coming from the heart and from a place of genuinely wanting to do what needs to be done, these things and most other things even clothing etc come from a place of greed and seeing how much people can make more than the person before them. I sometimes ask people what would happen if everyone went back to some sort of bartering system. Sadly most of the time people either laugh it off and consider it idealistic, or else assume that it will result in greed. I don't think it would, because those who have everything they need are not the ones doing things like breaking into to buildings or stealing. Apparently those who do those kinds of crimes only do them to sell what they take or to keep it for themselves. I think if the currency system was taken away, all the crime would pretty much disappear. Everyone would be able to get along probably better, because if they don't have something someone is looking for, they'll probably know someone who does. Yes this could potentially take longer to trade, but why do people need to rush unnecessarily anyway? After all, most of the rushing around is quite unnecissary. Of course that's quite a different thing from if someone is quick at doing whatever it is by default. I do charge for the things I make and the knitting patterns I write etc, but only because I have to pay for the materials I need to make the things in the first place. Then most of the time people charge for food etc, so then comes the saying of needing a form of currency (in this case money) to live.

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